Change is possible.

In-person therapy in New York City. Telehealth across the Hudson Valley and state of New York.

Helping young adults and mid-career professionals feel content, connected and understood.

Maybe you are someone who has worked hard to build a successful life. You are ambitious and driven to be the best at everything you do. To the outside world, you seem like you have it all figured out. But on the inside, you don’t feel as confident as you want or expected to be. You are afraid of failure and letting others down. You put pressure on yourself to be the perfect child, employee, partner, or parent. No matter what you achieve, you fear the judgement of others and still criticize or doubt yourself.

  • Are negative emotions running your life? Regain control and more comfortable in your own skin.

  • Do you want healthier relationships? Therapy can help you relate to others differently and more connected in your relationships.

  • Parenting can be an incredibly rewarding and satisfying part of one’s life. It can also be incredibly frustrating and challenging. Get the emotional support you need to become the parent you want to be to your child.

  • Are you feeling pressured by society to be a certain way or want certain things for your life? Women face unique challenges and receive little social support across their life stages. Come explore who you are as a person without the expectations and the noise.

What would it be like to:

  • be more self-assured and have a greater sense of self-worth?

  • let go of trying to keep everyone else happy and prioritize your own well-being?

  • maintain your self-esteem and identity aside from your accomplishments?

  • be ok with making mistakes and have greater self-acceptance?

  • gain insight into your emotions, needs and wants and communicate them more effectively?